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'The legitimacy contest over unilateral sanctions against Russia', Dr Clara PORTELA, University of Valencia Law School

Conférence / Département Europe

Le 30 novembre 2023

Agglomération grenobloise

Dr Clara Portela propose une conférence d'une heure le 30 novembre à 9h sur le thème suivant:

At the United Nations (UN), states from the Global South have long advanced normative claims against the legitimacy of unilateral sanctions, which they refer to as “unilateral coercive measures” (UCM). These arguments have been routinely voiced through UN General Assembly Resolutions, shaping a conventional discourse of contestation of unilateral sanctions. We interrogate whether this discourse has been challenged by the deployment of far-reaching unilateral sanctions in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia are a ‘hard case’: While the focus has traditionally been on the contestation of liberal norms, the sanctions against Russia are meant to enforce core Westphalian norms such as international peace and the respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. With the help of a qualitative analysis of the positions of states expressed in debates at relevant UN fora – the General Assembly and the Security Council -, we show that Global South views on unilateral sanctions responding to Russian aggression of Ukraine radically depart from previous practice, introducing a turning point in the global discourse on sanctions contestation.


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Le 30 novembre 2023
Complément date

de 9h00 à 10h00 en salle séminaire 2, à la Faculté de droit de Grenoble


Agglomération grenobloise

Publié le 21 novembre 2023

Mis à jour le 23 novembre 2023