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Workshop: Regulating the Use of Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces in Europe

Atelier / International

Le 18 mai 2022

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Amphithéâtre Louis Weil

Workshop: Regulating the Use of Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces in Europe by Microsoft and AI-Regulation Chair 273



The AI Regulation Chair co-organises with Microsoft on May 19th, 2022 a closed seminar entitled “Regulating the Use of Facial Recognition Technologies in Public Spaces in Europe” which is part of the Microsoft Data Science & Law Forum 4.0 “Governing AI” organised in Brussels.

This, by invitation-only, workshop will provide the opportunity to present the results of a big research project entitled “MAPping the use of Facial Recognition in public spaces in Europe” (MAPFRE) undertaken by researchers of the AI Regulation Chair, and to engage in a high-level discussion on these important issues and the way forward, taking into consideration also other important studies published recently (such as the recent reports published by the Greens).

The regulation of Facial Recognition in public spaces in Europe has been a central part of the Chair activities for the last few years


Le 18 mai 2022


Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Amphithéâtre Louis Weil

Publié le 2 novembre 2022

Mis à jour le 2 novembre 2022