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Communiqué de la part de Théodore CHRISTAKIS

Communiqué / Groupe Cyber, Data, Nano-bio, AI

Le 27 mai 2021

Dear all,

As you might know the European Commission published on April 21 its draft Artificial Intelligence Regulation. This text was eagerly anticipated and its provisions on facial recognition to an even greater degree given the heated debate going on in the background between those who support a general ban of this technology in public spaces and those who consider that it has “a lot to offer as a tool for enhancing public security”.

In order to gain a better understanding of what is proposed by the Commission and to discuss the basic features of this proposed set of rules, the MIAI Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence, in association with Microsoft, organised a preliminary high level discussion on this topic on April 26, 2021. The workshop, which was held under Chatham House rules, included representatives of three different directorates-general of the European Commission (DG-Connect, DG-Just and DG-Home), the UK Surveillance Camera Commissioner, members of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and Data Protection Authorities (CNIL), members of Europol and police departments in Europe, members of the European and the French Parliaments, representatives of civil society and business organisations and several academics.
We are pleased to share with you today the final Report on the workshop which is online in our website:

The Report is also available in pdf format here:

We are pleased to also share a shorter presentation on some key highlights published with the European Law Blog:

Finally, we have prepared a series of Charts and materials on this topic that could be very useful for those who wish to understand these issues:

Best wishes



Le 27 mai 2021

Publié le 27 mai 2021

Mis à jour le 11 juillet 2023